Wheatbelt native revegetation options

The native revegetation options are adaptable across the varied Wheatbelt landscapes.

We’ve proposed three types of planting options, designed for a 25-year permanency period for the generation of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) under existing federally legislated Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) methodologies.

Restoration plantings

Restoration plantings will target marginal, lower yielding agricultural land. This includes poorer quality sandy soils and areas variably impacted by salinity, erosion, water logging, and soil acidification. These plantings will support remediation for these landscapes.

Biodiversity plantings

Biodiversity plantings will protect and extend existing remnant native vegetation, through buffer zones and/or connecting corridors. The plantings may enhance the sustainability profile of existing farming system and agricultural products.

Native Biomass crops and harvesting

The project team will work with landowners to design and implement biomass plantings in widely spaced mallee eucalypt belts, or blocks, integrated within cropping and grazing systems. These plantings will be informed from the extensive research completed by the State Government and Dr Beren Spencer of specific species selection and belt dimensions to optimise growth rates and minimise the impact on existing agriculture. These can be harvested every three to five years and may create a new future sustainable crop.